Welcome to AIReAS

AI-assisted Review Assessment System

An AI system that evaluates students' essay assignments and offers feedback.

Key Features

AI Feedback Report for Students

Students are provided with comprehensive feedback reports generated by AI, which identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their essay assignments. This feedback assists students in gaining a better understanding of their performance and making any necessary adjustments.

Rubric-Based Learning

Our system utilizes AI for assessing essay assignments based on rubrics. Students can enhance their assignments by reviewing AI feedback for each rubric item.

Grading Assistant for Teachers

Our system employs GenAI to assess essay assignments, offering AI feedback and estimated AI scores for teachers' reference. Furthermore, it generates summaries and enables teachers to search for specific content within the assignment, extracting key points to facilitate grading.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Promoting Digital Literacy in Developing Societies

Biomedical Engineering

Reducing the Scientific Divide in Primary and Secondary Students through STEM Projects

English Learning Center

Serving the Community through Teaching English

Applied Physics

Enhancing Scientific Literacy through Daily Physics

Accounting and Finance

Service-Learning: Financial Literacy for Low-income Youth in Hong Kong

More to Come...

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